The Screaming J's Tour~ True Love and a Poet Named Cabbage
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of disruption, beaming me into worlds I've known and almost forgotten... now re-visited. These could only be described as worlds of merriment driven by a vortex shift through music into the free space, like free jazz in flip flops, transcending business as usual. This is not an easy thing to do. I've traveled with enough bands to know that even the spontaneous ever-changing life on the road, with best intentions laid for spreading the good word through music, can sometimes become mechanical doldrums, driven by pay checks, drained away by the discouraging sword of the merciless music industry, the treatment by some club venues, and even the long road itself. But in this culture of clock tick, sometimes magic permeates and wins.
This time around it was the Screaming Js! Their intuitive loose North Carolina Boogie Woogie ways gave birth to rip roaring transcendental dance moves, hardy belly laughs, camaraderie, Gonzo Poetry written on the fly, and endless high energy bliss. It was enough to move mountains, enough to shift paradigms and make a healing waterfall-skinny dip in October happen! Yes, high in the Vermont mountains Bliss came to fruition! Primordial pools of existence were brought to life from the very depths of the dark matter space of "becoming", and rippled massive sound waves out, created on that spontaneous tour with them. I was free like a wild child. This time was unique though because it was fun for the whole family...
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