The Real Story of
The Little Boy Blue … who cried for wolf
I'm sure you have heard the story of the little shepherd boy who cried wolf... as told by the villagers. I don't think you have really heard the WHOLE story. This story is told from the Wolf's perspective… (of course!) It has been told around sacred fires here in the Spirit Realm for quite some time.
It will change the way you look at things, that I guarantee!
(Vitya the Shepherd Boy, Arkady Plastov, 1951 / Susan Seddon- Boulet; Reindeer People)
Shepherd - Oil Painting by Bill Hill
Once upon a long time ago…
and ever since, there was a Little Boy Blue who sat up at the top of a hill. He was the son of a family of shepherds and was regularly put in care of the sheep.
He was often lonely watching and counting sheep all day. He longed to frolic and play, be wild and free, and for companions who could do these things with him... but he had his duties.
His only true solace was late into the night when he would sing sad songs about these things to the moon. He would howl and howl… crying as he sang to her. It was the only time he was truly happy… and the sheep seemed to like it enough.
Meanwhile across town, many of the villagers could hear this howling ruckus...
(FRENCH, 1831 - 1897) The village gossip , 1866
“A shepherd boy howling like a wolf to the moon! How absurd! Have you ever heard of such a thing!?” One would say.
“Completely unprofessional! This is nonsense!” Another would say.
“How frightening! And if a wolf were ever to come along we’d have no idea if it were HE or the wolf!” Said another.
And on and on.
The villagers found this behavior very disturbing, especially for a shepherd!
But it was the villagers who were actually disturbed… See the boy's longing, tears, and honest way about him mirrored their own deep longing to be free. Deep down they envied his ability to find some solace and joy in this outlet he had found.
Little did they know what a true outlet it was...
For it was one where Little Boy Blue could plug into a very different realm!
His songs were afforded passage to the Spirit Realm! They would travel to coordinates beyond the “veil” which separated the human world from the Sprit one!
Deep in the Spirit realm existed a Mother Wolf. This Mother Wolf was a powerful one indeed. She would tend to whole universes, feeding them visions, dreams and spirit quests.
Every night she could hear Little Boy Blue's sad, lonesome howling cries. This was especially so, when the moon got fullest… and the veil between worlds was the thinnest.
She was mystified and amazed at his ability to bridge the worlds with his lovely songs so full of longing. So few humans could do this.
For the first time in her life she was struck with tremendous awe...
"Don't pay any attention to him," some in the spirit realm would say... "He simply enjoys crying!!"
But still it tugged on Mother Wolf's giant heart strings to hear such lonesome calls.
She was a Mama Wolf after all, and as all wolves who hear calls, she was compelled to meet it… with response.
Wolf and Crow By Alexander Zakusilov; Ukraine
Many in the spirit realm warned her though, of interfering with the tragedies and triumphs of shepherds!
"They have sheep to tend to. Vision quests and spirit walks are reserved strictly for shamans and travelers, not for Shepherds!" Crow squawked.
But it hurt her so, that she could hear every pained detail of his sorrows through his howling a world away...
His songs spoke of his wanting to play… be merry, frolic, be wild and free! It spoke of his dream to set every last sheep free.
She understood then what the others could not… just how large the size of his heart was, and how pure a soul he was.
Artist Unknown
So, despite the other spirit beings’ warnings, she began to seed him songs and visions…
It wasn’t long before his songs started to reflect Mother Wolf’s love and the dream of HOPE that she was feeding him.
She was thrilled and in awe of this communion.
Soon she became consumed with her Love for Little Boy Blue looking forward to his beautiful concerts each full moon.
She began to realize that he occupied a very special place in her heart.
But one particularly awful night, his songs spoke of being horribly lonely, mistreated by the villagers in a world that tore him apart. They spoke of his not wanting to continue a minute longer in his world that didn’t understand him...
This clawed at her heart and tore at her skins… it made her blood boil and put salt in her teeth!
She became FIERCELY DETERMINED. She would break the rules.
Being a Wolf who is wild, and not one prone to doing as she is told... she determined to find him, lick all his wounds, and set him free.
She determined to answer the call… as is the Way of Wolves. She knew it was meant to be.
Being a wonderfully wise Mother Wolf, she knew that if Little Boy Blue was able to send out his call so far over oceans and mountains, beyond the veil right through to the very depths of the Spirit Realm where she was... their undeniable connection would find a way.
Capable and skilled at being a Spirit Wolf, shape-shifting and slipping between worlds at the speed of moon-light came easy to her.
She was confidant she could track him… She would track his songs!
So on one mystic, misty, Super-Moonlit charged night, when the veil was particularly thin…
she traveled at the speed of moonlight and found her way to Little Boy Blue.
Susan Seddon Boulet; Wolf Spirit
There he sat on his hill crying and crying and howling away. He sang so sweetly that the flowers swayed in the moonlight.
She stood there with her eyes wide watching… so full of love and reverence… patiently waiting.
It was at the end of one of his saddest songs that she finally approached him.
Careful not to scare him, she shape-shifted herself into a small child.
She made herself quite small.
In fact... she was so small she could have fit inside his pocket.
"Why do you cry so sadly boy?" She gently said to him.
Looking up, he squinted to see who was speaking so sweetly to him.
He could barely hear her.
So she made herself a little bigger…
Still child-like, she became just his size… perfect for him to see.
Without a word, their eyes met. Her heart swelled. The light from her beaming seemed bigger and brighter than the very moon itself!!
She could see that he too was captivated by her. They spent a long time just silently gazing at each other in perfect reverence.
Neither of them had ever felt so whole.
They both seemed like each other's perfect dream… sprung to life.
To Little Boy Blue, it was like his heart knew before he did, that it was she who was sending him songs for so long.
Able to read his thoughts she grew excited in his realization!
Forgetting that she was speaking to a shepherd and not a versed shaman, she didn't hold back.
"I'm here. The one you've been howling for all these years! I’ve been helping you! And now I've come to set you free!
I'm your Spirit-Wolf. I've crossed great distances to arrive on the shores of your world, traveling by moonlight... tracking your songs, and I've come to take you home with me!
There are so many of us there. You will love it and be so happy and free. Wolf-children and wise horned owls, mighty dragons and spirit realm creatures of all kinds live there! We will howl and dance, be merry, feast and frolic eternally!"
...but Little Boy Blue grew very frightened...
Tatiana/Arkady Plastov “Harvest” 1945
He loved sitting on his hill and howling to the moon more than anything in the world… and though his beautiful songs were only the result of such dreaming, longing, and hopes that one day he could be free like a wild wolf, forevermore... he also loved his warm bed, his family and friends, and even the villagers who were sometimes cruel and didn't understand him.
She saw it all in his eyes...
…and her heart broke.
She had come so far with him, holding all of space for his songs to be birthed in this realm of his.
She felt suddenly shaky, hating his world but only then understanding the depths of her love for her shepherd boy…
And the compassion he held for his realm…
only made her love him more.
So sure he would be so happy in the Spirit Realm with her... in her haste she persisted... "Oh please, oh please... just one kiss and we will be there, you will see! One small bite and you will never go hungry again, you will be a Spirit Wolf with me where all the wild things are and you will be happy and FED, and you will never sing your sad songs so lonely on this hill again! Please come with me!"
Young Shepherd Boy… Landscape Of Ruins
But this only made Little Boy Blue grow even more frightened...
And now Mother Wolf knew that the other spirit creatures were right... that Little Boy Blue only loved crying.
He loved only singing his sad songs and howling the lonely wolf call at the top of his hill.
He was after all... a Little Boy… Blue…
And so she understood that in his longing he was serving the purpose of his Personal Legend to Great Spirit.
Her heart felt very heavy... but she understood that to love him was to let him be.
So she turned to go…
“Wanderer” By Yuumei “This path, these tracks In the ephemeral snow. Blink now, and I'll be gone..”
Confused for the first time in her eternity with a stinging pain she had never known before... she wondered why GREAT SPIRIT would have her hearing such sorrowful cries... Having her caring so deeply for such a sad Shepherd Boy as he.... unable to meet his calls with the healing response she knew he needed… of Living his Dream of dancing and frolicking, and being wild and free!
It didn't make any sense. She had fed entire universes her love, and seeded endless visions... why would she be left with such pain as this, with nowhere to go... and no way to heal it?
For the first time ever she didn't understand the ways of Great Spirit.
Slowly with her tail tucked between her legs… she began to disappear back into the mist...
Just as she was all but faded…
He shouted, “WAIT!!!! DON’T GO!!!”
She stopped and turned back to look at him. This time she reappeared to him in her True Wolf form, her eyes radiating a LOVE so FIERCE -they could have melted the iciest of mountains, made a blind man see, and all the poets of the world cry…
Bravely, he took her glowing face in his. Unafraid, he lovingly gazed deep into her eyes. She saw the depths of his love gaze back at her and she howled a mighty howl pouring all the love she had wished to fill his Little Boy Blue heart up with!!!
It sent massive Shockwaves riveting across the veil through both worlds! His heart grew three sizes and for the first time in his life he was not afraid!
“Connection” By Yuumei
His eyes widened, understanding what true love was. He was not alone! He was FREE!
They Danced and Played, and Frolicked all night long together!!!
They Howled so loud it shook the very mountains! It made the sheep shiver in their flock and sent the Sea trembling with delight!
The Moon shone brighter than it ever had before! At midnight it became his Realm's BIGGEST Super Blue Blood Wolf Moon they had ever seen!
Russian Novel; The Survivor
At this point some villagers had appeared with lanterns hearing the wild ruckus unfolding...
Some were holding pitchforks and torches!!! They were sure that a wild wolf was attacking the sheep and the boy.
Frightened, they screamed seeing Great Spirit Mother Wolf in all the glory of her FULL SIZE dancing with Little Boy Blue!!
They rubbed their eyes unable to comprehend what they were seeing!
Instantly the veil began to wrap around Mother Wolf… and she began to fade from Little Boy Blue’s world…
Faith is needed for such benevolent visions to thrive...
Love can't stay where vision is lacking...
She had only enough time to say to him... "Your calls will keep our worlds near..."
…and she disappeared into the mist...
As Great Mother Wolf returned to her rightful realm... she was very sad... but she smiled.
She understood now why GREAT Spirit had gifted her with this Little Boy's unquenchable Blues... for Great Spirit knew that Mother Wolf’s Heart was the only force strong enough to bridge the Spirit world with the Human One and that together their Love would help set the whole world free.
For he loved his realm, and she loved hers. He wasn't leaving unless all could be wild and free to frolic and play. But now with the vision of Her emblazoned in his heart's of hearts, he was even more determined than ever before, as was she. For now they had HOPE for what was possible…
He determined to keep playing his songs for all to hear with the messages from the Spirit Realm woven in them… and she would keep feeding him love and songs for all of eternity. The Spirit Realms would delight at hearing their dream so beautifully sung in the Human World...
and they knew that one bright day when their work was over they could be… Together.
And so dear reader, Ever since... our Worlds have been getting “closer” and closer.
You see, the Bridge is born from their Love… their Calls… and Ancient Howls.
And if you listen closely... especially on a very full moon night..... you can hear the calls too…
And the ones that answers back!
(Push Play: )
Written By Lara Wahl