How we shut down 2! proposed fracked Gas Pipelines!



In the fall of 2015 I learned of not 1 but 2 Gas pipelines carrying Fracked Gas being proposed to be paid for by citizens at $5 Billion + $3 Billion to be trenched through Massachusetts. Go time! This was it! 

I began networking with Mass 350.Org to shut these proposals down.

Environmentalists and Native Americans all over the globe have been working fervently towards uniting our communities for environmental protection and shifting our country to renewable energy instead of creating MORE dependence on Fossil Fuels.. It is well known that there is a toll of human misery, war, devastation, and climate peril associated with the continuation of fossil fuel dependency, and that we must shift fuel sources to secure peace and planetary sustainability.

With past environmental activist work, my anger and outrage would always leave me feeling exhausted and defeated. But since adopting a DAILY Buddhist practice I joyfully and steadily began seeing allies, Buddhas, in every person I met. This was replacing the "us VS Them" narrative I used to employ. A miraculous transformation happened in me, and we were successful in shutting down both pipelines! I know. Hard to believe right?! I will explain to you how we did this.

The biggest victory, I must say however, was my ability to make friends with those I once viewed as enemies, to listen to them, and to learn how to CONNECT and speak their language.

“We don’t change our environment, WE change, and then our environment transforms."  -President Ikeda of Nichiren Buddhist organization, SGI


The secret was genuine empathy and compassion, listening to politician's sincere perspective, fusing with their trajectory while holding VERY STRONG intentional space for those in power to arrive on their own to the holistic benevolent vision of environmental protection and public safety. We then took their talking point values that overlapped with our cause- jobs, economic growth, public safety, first responders- then dug up tons of research that proved a win-win was possible for all our goals, and we turned it into simple messaging which mirrored all their talking points, making our cause one with theirs. Shortly after meetings with them, printed in newspapers were often my words being quoted by the politicians we met with!!

Catch phrases like, “Renewable energy is our State Product, and one we must protect.” 

This was in no way a journey without GREAT obstacles, but through my Human Revolution, my perspective changed. Therefore my vantage point was suddenly wider and higher in all directions, which allowed me to see where the path of victory was. Through this expansion happening within me, obstacles were easily cleared. Another quote which strengthened my conviction was: “When obstacles arise, the foolish retreat while the wise rejoice!" –The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. I finally understood what this meant! When tremendous faith and dedicated perseverance is held, even “obstacles” become viewed as opportunities. The proposed fossil fuel project itself, for example, was a blessing in disguise! It had led us to organize, find each other, network with remarkable and knowledgeable individuals who all held the same vision. It empowered us to grow in great numbers in unity, just like what is happening now in our country! The poison WAS medicine in disguise!

Therefore any resistance we faced was only like the WIND in our sails which we learned to utilize to propel us onwardsallowing us to advance furtherIt is just a matter of learning to sail,  unafraid. Those hurting the most will try to block us the most, but they are only drawn to us, because they are STARVING for TRUTH and Compassion. Adversity is only a test of our Courage to administer Truth and Compassion. 

“Iron, when heated in the flames and pounded, becomes a fine sword. Worthies and sages are tested by abuse.” –Writings of Nichiren Daishonin.


Thus, with vast Bravery, Determination, and Faith on our side, we effectively made historic change in Massachusetts legislation! 
7 of the MOST significant of these victories were:


1.      On May 17th, 2016(my birthday) the Massachusetts Supreme court Justice ruled in a historic case in favor of a group of children defended by the incredible Conservation Law Foundation, who we had been networking with, who sued the state for not meeting Carbon Goals. This historic ruling would now make legislators more likely to adopt renewables instead of new fossil fuel proposals!

2.      One week later on May 23rd one of the proposed $5 Billion fracked gas pipelines pulled its application for construction with the federal govt, stating there was too much risk, and too much opposition!

3.      Just days after that, on May 25th, my colleague and I, put together a citizens forum in our town in which all our town boards and citizens attended resulting  in 100% pledged support in the form of local officials writing letters to federal officials stating they were against the vision of more fossil fuel infrastructure for our state!

4.      By mid-summer, on  August 1st, 2016, after endless determined chanting, action, and state wide organizing of pressuring legislators - the OMNIBUS energy bill passed to authorize the largest procurement of renewable energy in the history of the commonwealth of Massachusetts!

5.      Days after that on On August 17th, 2016 the most significant blow was that the Supreme Court Justice ruled that it was illegal to make citizens pay for any construction costs associated with the building of private gas pipelines!! This inspired CT, NH, and RI to file and win similar rulings, thus 85% of the funding for this last pipeline‘s construction costs were pulled, effectively killing it!

6.     In October at Worcester State University, I was asked to speak at a forum put on by and gave a full power point presentation about how other towns can join the state-wide grass roots campaign. They asked us to present since Upton was so quick and successful with their victories! Amazing. 


7.      Just one month later, November 15th, 2016, at one of our yearly Town Meetings, my colleague and I drafted and wrote an official “Resolution of Opposition” to be included in our town’s bylaws, something I never could have imagined doing. We presented a slide show to our entire town, where over 300 people came. We worked tirelessly to get people to come, knocking on doors, making phone calls, gathering signatures outside the post office, using social media, distributing lawn signs, to see this resolution passed; the whole time I chanted furiously. The resolution passed by a landslide! And the relationship now between us environmentalists and our town is the best it’s ever been! Passing a citizen crafted resolution is one of the most empowering forms of grassroots possible. 



It is not at all surprising to me that all this work was happening in parallel to our Native American Sioux Dakota Tribe’s movement on Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota where tribes from around the world gathered in unity to take on a newly forged mission of environmental protection. In a statement by chief elders they stated, "The battle continues, but we are winning!" 

In this process I learned that Renewable energy dismantles the lie that there is a scarce amount of power which we must fight and compete over. Scarcity mentality mirrors the archaic model of hierarchy and unworthiness, and is a lie. Renewable energy, on the other hand, mirrors that we are shifting to the understanding that there is an abundance of energy available, likewise there is an abundance of empowerment for all available. We can all win. Just like we can have Job growth + economic growth + a clean environment + public safety, likewise all life is precious = has infinite potential = and is valuable. All beings can become happy, World Peace is attainable, and this shift holds the key! After this empowering experience I knew with conviction that I could not fail when I used my practice to create peace in my family, community, and inevitably in the world! 

This is the joyful alchemy of turning poison to medicine, whining to clean water, and water to the land of tranquil light! Mini Wiconi! Water is Life! We will continue and triumph!